Friday, December 18, 2009

Rainy Friday Morning 11 List

Today is a week before Christmas and its grey in Miami. The good news is that it's going to get a little colder this weekend. After the cold front passes, I expect the moisture to go away and have a mostly-beautiful Christmas week. Here's a top 10 (err, 11) if you're online, bored, and want to see some new stuff.
  1. A white bronze Rubik's Cube.
  2. Asylum's top 100 weirdest stories of 2009.
  3. I need a new watch. These are good candidates.
  4. A new Clash of the Titans is coming.
  5. Iron Man 2 is coming.
  6. Enhance: a video collage.
  7. Nuns snowball fight.
  8. Growing up Mega Man was one of my favorites.
  9. Vertebrae necklace.
  10. Sexy times with Kyle Johnson.
  11. Pin-up from Miami.

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