Thursday, January 10, 2008

Claiming the Blog

Apparently Technorati is an Internet Authority among the Blog webspace. I found it'd be interesting to "register and claim" my blog - whatever that means, as I don't have full understanding of it yet.

It doesn't sound bad though.

Technorati Profile


rehumphries said...

sounds like you copy and pasted the marketing blurb for this :) what's your opinion of it mr blogger?

collapsaform said...

Truthfully, I'm somewhat ignorant on what Technorati has done for bloggers and blog searchers or if they've provided a service for the community. Your post intrigued me Randy and so I had to read some "other" opinion. I did some searching and the first piece of criticism that I read was from this link, and it seems that a lot is lost in how Technorati ranks and searches for blogs. Perhaps they have not provided true aid because their methods aren't very good. Should I remove myself from Technorati?