Sunday, January 20, 2008

6 weeks of Not Smoking

blah. i'm the only one counting at this point. i still get congrats. i was even asked if I thought i'd relapse and consider to stop drinking as well. not to sure how realistic that would be. i may be coming down with a cold or something. weather is 63 degrees and cloudy with scattered showers. i have no milk or OJ in the fridge. i need to remedy this.

body feels good anyhow, thanks for asking. however this isn't victory. maybe at 12 weeks I'll celebrate. i wonder when I'll stop counting, posting, or letting the world know how long its been. we shall see.

1 comment:

Vincent said...

Heya, thanks for commenting on my blog. I'll reply after writing this :-)

Another congratulations for quitting smoking from me I guess. I like this picture.
